
Showing posts from May, 2020

Final Animation

Overall, I'm proud of what I managed to accomplish. I've never animated this much action before and it really helped me learn about timing and follow-through. I think that even though there wasn't much story telling I was able to give some life and personality to my characters which I'm satisfied with. This process helped me understand Harmony even more which I'm very thankful for. As for the sound effects, I liked the punches but I wasn't able to find any voices that I liked and didn't sound awkward. Next time I animate a big project I will try to reach out to some people who would be willing to voice act that way I can get an even more immersive product.


Here are a few of the backgrounds I did. The landscape stays the same for the whole animation but I did multiple camera angles. This part didn't take too long but was not a part of the process that I was really enthusiastic about. I was satisfied with how it came out though because I feel like I got the vibe of dawn just breaking over the mountains.


The ink stage definitely took the most time out of everything. It could get a bit confusing on layer order if I wasn't careful. I liked this part the least but it it was still enjoyable. My favorite things to ink were hair and the tail because the fluidity made everything come together.  Although the hair was very hard to do and took a lot of finessing.


A video of my roughs stage of my animation. This part took a decent amount of time but was probably the part I had the most fun on